
definition of loneliness

State characterized by feeling the lack of company

Loneliness is one of the most common feelings, states, that human beings can go through in life and that is characterized by the lack of accompaniment, which is what commonly causes us not to feel alone. When we feel lonely we are alone, we feel that way.

The term loneliness, then, refers to the lack of company that an individual experiences. This isolation and lack of contact with other people may be due to different issues, by the person's own choice because they feel sad and do not want to bond with others, or on the contrary, because they like and enjoy being without any type of company; Other causes can be a highly contagious disease, deviant social habits, or the impossibility of finding someone with whom to share their life, in the case that loneliness is in the matter of a couple, among the most common.

Negative perception of loneliness

When the period of time of loneliness is relatively short, generally, it is appreciated or valued by the rest of the world as a momentary need that the person in question has because he needs tranquility as a result of some important decision that he will have to make, then, he cannot being distracted, for work or simply because of the need for privacy that we all have at some point in our lives. Meanwhile, when loneliness extends almost, almost indefinitely in time, this issue is usually decoded as an unpleasant situation that will cause serious social damage to those who manifest it.

Because we must emphasize in this regard that the common people understand and perceive loneliness as a negative and bad issue, although as we have already said there are exceptions, normally, people feel sorry and regret when they know that someone is alone, that He does not live with anyone, who has no one with whom to share his love life.

Although some enjoy their solitude and do not regret it, there are others who fear it tremendously and that is why they make an effort not to be alone in life.

Now, the idea is not to stop being alone at any cost, but to try to open new channels of communication and activities that allow us to meet people, interact with them in order to generate new bonds of friendship, love, that end the loneliness.

Life is better with company

As God once said, it is not good that man is alone and created woman ... and although it sounds like a cliché it is a certain truth ... Life with good companies, those who love us, appreciate us, contain us when we are badly or they advise us when we are about to make a mistake, it will always be much better than a life without it, that is a reality, even if sometimes it is good to be a while, alone with ourselves.

On the other hand and in relation to how the world sees loneliness, there are people, such as monks, who do not see it as something negative at all, but quite the opposite, they consider it as a way of spiritual enlightenment.

Types of loneliness and symptoms

Loneliness can be distinguished as physical loneliness and mental loneliness. The first is put into practice when for some reason it is necessary for the person to disconnect from all kinds of distractions in order to work or meditate accordingly; and on the other hand there are individuals who are super trained in this matter and despite the distractions that the sensitive world imposes on them, their degree of concentration is so high that they fail to affect them.

Some symptoms that will help to recognize if someone manifests an imposed type of loneliness are the following: hallucinations, anxiety, distortion in perception of space and time.

Although it is not an unbreakable law, young people tend to adapt to loneliness much more easily than older people.

Also, the term is used to account for those deserted or very sparsely inhabited places. We really enjoyed walking through the solitudes of the forest.

State that emerges after the loss of a loved one

And the other of the uses of the term, also very widespread, says that loneliness is that state of grief and melancholy that a person experiences after the absence, loss or death of a loved one. When someone close to us dies, the feeling of loneliness surfaces and will never disappear in relation to that loved one who will never be with us.

Feminine proper noun

Soledad, in addition, turns out to be a very popular woman's own name, whose nickname is usually Sole.

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