
definition of invention

We call invention to action and result of inventing, knowing that inventing implies the find or discover a new thing, not known to anyone else. The product of this action is called an invention.

This process implies the birth of a new tool, advance or resource and becomes a transformative proposal that will try to optimize daily activities.

Meet needs

Throughout history, invention was essentially linked to the various needs that humanity presented and that, for example, it needed to satisfy in some way.

Meanwhile, man and his natural reasoning ability allowed him to advance in this aspect and to find effective solutions for his demands.

The prehistoric human being invented tools from elements and materials that were around him in nature and used them to solve his needs. Many of them needed his inventiveness and so he transformed and improved them to make them useful to him.

Polished and sharp rocks, for example, were precise hunting weapons that made it easier for men to survive in those times, because thanks to them they could hunt animals and feed themselves and their families. Today, these weapons may seem very basic but certainly in those years they were not at all ...

Difference between invention and discovery

Something that we must make clear because they are often confused is that an invention is not the same as a discovery. The first is something that existed and that arises thanks to the ingenuity of the human being, while the second is the discovery of something that already existed but that remained hidden for x reason from the knowledge of man and he suddenly finds it.

Although, it is not the only use of the term, it is also recurrent that it is used to account for that invented, that is to say, the result of the aforementioned act of inventing. Meanwhile, the individual responsible for the act of inventing is popularly known as inventor.

Invention process

The invention can be reached in two basic ways, on the one hand, it can be based on ideas or objects that already exist, that is, what the inventor does is the inclusion of some modifications or innovations on the pre-existing invention that will later lead to something new , for example, a new function that is added to a technological device that it did not have before.

And the other way to arrive at the invention is from the individual's own unique inventiveness. In this case, the invention in question will make a huge contribution to human knowledge, since it is bringing to the world and publishing something unknown until now.

The human being has been dedicated to inventing practically since the world is world, for example, many, consider that language is the first and great human invention and well, as we know, then, countless inventions followed.

Generally, inventions arise from needs that arise and then, the head of the person who suffers from the need, or who knows about this or that, begins to work in order to seek satisfaction from it. Also the curiosity and the desire to profit are two other motivations that have intervened in the appearance of various inventions. It should be noted that it is normal for the aforementioned motivations to be combined.

Inventions can be protected through the patent; The patent is a legal resource that the inventor has and that implies that the exploitation of the invention in question will correspond exclusively to the owner of the patent.

The most normal thing is that the inventor himself manages the obtaining of the patent, although, it is also frequent that the inventor sells the rights to a company. Once the company makes its own the invention of another through the patent, it will be able to exploit it to piacere.

Lie that someone claims about something or someone

And on the other hand, in the colloquial and current language, an invention will be called that lie that someone supports or affirms to another person about something or someone. "The increase in salaries is an invention of Laura to silence the complaints of the employees." The invention in this sense is a synonym for deception and lies.

For example, the invention will lack any veracity and will be absolutely false.

People who are fabulous, or who have a natural tendency towards deception, often make up all kinds of things about themselves or about others.

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