
definition of biome

Is named Biome to that particular part of planet earth that shares climate, vegetation and fauna. That is, the biome is the set of characteristic and predominant ecosystems of a biogeographic area, which will be named from the plant and animal species that predominate in it and that in some way will be the most suitable to reside in it. It is frequently used and typical of disciplines such as biology and ecology, which are precisely the two subjects that deal with its study and preservation.

Geographical area that shares climate, vegetation and fauna

These are large areas that are considered to make up an ecological unit within which the flora, fauna, soil, topography and climate will be considered; all these interacting elements influence when determining the biome of an area of ​​the world.

The relevance of the climate is certainly indisputable because its characteristics directly influence the landscape and the species that may develop. An area where it rains all the time will not be the same as another where there is little rainfall throughout the year.

Native species are naturally prepared to subsist in it

A biome is closely influenced by the type of soil, climate and topography that exists in the place in question and that will obviously present differences between one biome and another; the species that live and develop in one biome may not be able to do so in another and this will be precisely because there are species that are prepared to adapt to certain natural conditions while others cannot.

Now, we must say that a biome can be made up of diverse ecosystems. By ecosystem we understand the community made up of a series of interrelated living beings and of course by the environment they inhabit.

Thus, the ecosystem is the sum of all the living beings in a habitat, because the biome is also joined by those nearby ecosystems that have similar characteristics.

We will give an example to clearly understand this fact, the oasis and the desert are two well differentiated ecosystems, in the first we can find a fresh water spring, while in the second not, the scarcity of water prevails, however, both They belong to the same biome that is the desert and that we will review their characteristics later.

Biome classes and characteristics

Each of the biomes that exist on the planet has similar plant and animal associations within it that make up, in the aforementioned set of biomes, the biosphere that is part of the earth and the place where life develops.

The main biomes of the planet are the following ...

The jungles, which abound in equatorial climates and are characterized by receiving abundant rains during the year. They stand out for their biodiversity, having a huge variety of animals and plants, the latter of great size, the most extensive being that of the Amazon of 6,000,000 km. squares.

We must emphasize that forests provide very great benefits to the development of life on the planet. Many animal and plant species coexist in them that help stabilize the climate of our world, regulating the water cycle, reducing the scourge of floods and protecting soils.

And on the other hand, they are the only source of resources that are used in the economy, or in the pharmaceutical industry, to name a few, not to mention the beauty they own and that make them places of great tourist attraction.

SheetsOn the other hand, they are plains that are located between the tropics, presenting a decrease in their vegetation when they move away from the equatorial zone. They have trees separated by herbs and somehow turn out to be an intermediate zone between the steppe and the forest.

While, the forests, They develop in those mostly humid climates that have frequent rainfall and in which a species of tree that will be the characteristic of the biome will predominate. There are cold climate forests, such as the taigas in North America, which have a majority of evergreen trees (leaves that do not fall) and conifers; another type is the deciduous forests, because on the contrary their leaves if they fall in the Autumn.

The tundras, are found near the poles, where the water is in the form of snow. It is only possible to find mosses, lichens and rare grasses.

Grasslands They are typical of temperate zones with little rainfall, their soils are so fertile that they have a large amount of organic material; The grasses used for grazing predominate and are ideal for the development of livestock tasks.

SteppesAlso characteristic of places with little rainfall, herbs and shrubs predominate.

On the hillsCharacteristic of dry climates, there are small trees and thorny bushes.

AND the deserts, areas in which there is practically no water, stand out in the tropics and only allow the development of xerophilous plants. Life in them is certainly complex to occur as a result of the absence of one of the fundamentals for living beings such as water.

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