
definition of conceited

The word smug we use it to account for that person who is characterized by the pride and vanity that he presents in his way of acting and behaving, and that constantly push him to boast about yourself and what you have and know.

Proud and vain person who all the time boasts of his qualities and aptitudes even if they are not such

We must emphasize that this concept is normally used in our language in a negative sense, for what we exposed, because the presumptuous ones flaunt their knowledge and many other issues, whether or not they have a reason to do so, that is, whether it is justified or not.

Basically, the conceited will love it, being among a group of people, of exalt and comment on all those qualities that he claims to possess, the achievements obtained in his life, the merits, the power he holds before a certain public and also, if so, the material goods he holds.

It should be noted that it will be precisely this disposition that will lead the person to praise themselves excessively, believing themselves capable of doing anything, and of course of doing it much better than anyone else in the whole world, although reality is not like that at all.

Salient traits: lack of empathy, search for social success and contempt for their peers

So, in the social sphere, we will easily recognize the presumptuous because he will be the one who from the beginning to the end of a meeting we will find him talking about himself and nothing but himself.

It is recurring that in this repeated self-assessment, the presumed is inclined to devalue those who are around him, because in this way he will further mark his supremacy over the rest.

This is one of the most recurrent characteristics among the conceited, showing off himself in whatever aspect and highlighting the ignorance or lack of qualities and skills that those around him have.

In this way, boasting of himself and exposing the deficiencies of others, the presumptuous considers that he becomes much great, important and valuable compared to the rest, and this is precisely his task, to stand out and show that he is the best of all, although not be it as we have been saying.

From the foregoing it follows that whoever shows themselves and presents in this way will not have a positive assessment at all from their environment or group, but rather the opposite, because people, generally, are bothered by that person as the presumptuous that highlights nothing more than his own and that tends to detract from what someone else does, simply because he is not doing it or achieving it.

In many cases, if the history and psyche of the presumed person is analyzed in depth, we will find ourselves with the surprise that not all that glitters is gold, as the popular saying goes, and that in reality behind that person who seems to eat the In the world there is a person with a great lack of self-esteem, who precisely needs all those bragging to not show himself weak in front of others.

Of course, sometimes it takes a professional look or a lot of knowledge to be able to determine it.

The presumptuous are constantly looking for social success, while they do not show a trace of empathy with anyone and this is so because they are people with a lot of fear, who need to create a character and a reality that is not to be able to face life.

Due to the above, due to that constant tendency to show off, aggressiveness towards those around them and the absolute absence of empathy is that presumptuous people are normally rejected on the social level, making it difficult for them to forge friendships and lasting relationships.

In addition, When a person takes too much care of his physical appearance, that is, he takes care of his image, of always being impeccable, with good clothes, good smell, among other things, we say that he is conceited.

Among the synonyms that we use the most for this word are that of proud, vain and flirtatious , for the second sense of the term.

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