
definition of drugstore

The term drugstore presents two well-extended uses, on the one hand, it is designated in that way to the company, organization, in which you can buy medicines or drugs that will be used in some health treatment prescribed by the doctor. For example, in the case of cancer patients, it is more common for them to be sent to drugstores so that they can acquire the drugs they need to carry out their treatments, since they specialize only in drugs or medications, that is, not commercializes other products that are not medicines or prescription drugs. I could not buy the medicine because the drug was discontinued in the drugstore that the doctor suggested..

And the other use of the term drugstore is used to refer to the establishment in which medicines and other products such as cosmetics, hygiene and cleaning are sold, which is also popularly known as pharmacy. In this case, not only does the drugstore produce the drugs, but it also sells them to the public along with many other related products.

Meanwhile, the drugstore is in charge of generating, producing the drugs that are the raw materials of biological origin that will be used directly or indirectly for the manufacture of medicines. The chemical composition of the drugs will be responsible for generating a pharmacological action that will be useful in the prescribed therapy to recover from any disease or disorder.

Currently, as a consequence of the motivation to simplify questions for consumers when going out to do their shopping, it is recurrent to find drugstores that, in addition to selling medicines and drugs of all kinds, also offer a wide and varied range of cosmetic products, including shampoo, creams, soaps, female makeup, oral care products, among others.

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