
video definition

Video is a technology used to capture, record, process, transmit and reproduce a sequence of representative images of a scene that is in motion. The term, which comes from the Latin "see", is currently associated with different storage formats, whether they are analog (VHS and Betamax) or digital (MPEG-4, DVD, Quicktime, etc). But, from the old VHS cassettes to the massive YouTube videos of today, there is a long way to go.

The beginnings of the video are related to the attempt to cover the needs of television. Indeed, the first television broadcasts were carried out live, and with the possibility of recording them the programming work was greatly facilitated; In this sense, the Olympic Games in Tokyo in 1964 were the first case in which a delayed transmission was made. Already at the end of the seventies it was definitively consolidated as an independent television technology.

For this development, The commercialization, by the Sony Corporation, of the first portable camera in 1968 was undoubtedly of the utmost importance.. Then, in 1970, Philips commercialized the VCR, adding new possibilities for an ordinary person.

If in the beginning, these cameras had a privileged use in the large television studios, then they began to be produced for sale to anyone. With them you could record events, such as parties or use them on trips. Undoubtedly, with the accelerated advancement of electronic technology from the mid-1960s, in general, electronic devices could be made to much more malleable measures for personal and daily use, and that is why today there are small cameras no more than 10 centimeters high which can be carried without inconvenience even in the pocket of a jacket or pants.

A separate section deserves the coexistence between film and video. At first, it was considered that the new technological possibilities offered by video would completely eradicate the seventh art. However, these predictions were never fulfilled, both alternatives being able to complement each other perfectly, thanks to the policies employed by the large studios.

Storage technology like DVDs also cannot be overlooked in a video life timeline. In this format, millions of movies are stored and transported every year and even home videos or presentations can be made, for example when we make a video to play at a birthday party. Today we even have at our fingertips the most advanced Blu-Ray technology, which can store a considerable amount of gigabytes, far exceeding the possibilities and benefits of DVD.

Today, with the proliferation of digital media, the use of videos has reached a massive character that could hardly have been dreamed of four decades ago.. With today's use of the Internet, it is possible to view personal videos of people from all over the world. The other important point to consider is the cheaper recording technology, which is becoming more accessible every day. Obviously, the future looks promising if we also consider the progress made in quality.

If Giovanni Sartori defined the post-war era as the "video sphere," he was not too wrong. The videos that are uploaded by millions of users to a social network such as YouTube, and the billions of visits that some videos receive, are the most complete example of this importance that the image has acquired in the modern world (since the second half of the 20th century) . Many television channels even invite and encourage the participation of their viewers to be "correspondents" recording videos of events or events that occurred in their cities and send them as informative material. An event of worldwide repercussion, in which the videos recorded by citizens who were there at the time, was the attack on Wall Street on the Twin Towers (Twin Towers) on September 11, 2001.

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