
definition of dogmatic

The concept of dogmatic It is used in our language when you want to say about something or someone that is inflexible, undeniable, faithful to reality, indisputable. That is, the dogmatic will be true and will not admit under any point of view a questioning.

For example, the concept is used to refer to the set of principles that make up and regulate a doctrine, a religion.

The concept is also used to refer to that person who promotes dogmatism. Dogmatism is the more general way with which in our language the inclination to accept certain doctrines and precepts is called absolutely, without restrictions and without accepting any type of questioning.

In this sense, the concept of dogmatism usually finds a negative connotation when someone claims that their doctrine is considered valid and absolute and in reality it lacks a real demonstration.

And to everything that is own or related to dogma it will be called dogmatic.

Dogmas are certain and unquestionable propositions that do not admit being subjected to any test that proves their veracity and that normally have the mission of founding, forming part of the structure of a science or a religion, such is the case of Christianity.

By the way, the Christian religion is made up of an enormous amount of indisputable dogmas that all faithful accept as absolute truths, defending them, respecting them and spreading them.

Undoubtedly, in our times, the concepts of dogma and dogmatic have a special association with the question of theology. Each religion has its own dogmas and they are the ones that precisely distinguish them and give them their essential value.

In the Catholic religion we can cite as one of the most relevant dogmas the fact that God is father, son and holy spirit, which is popularly also known as the mystery of the Holy Trinity.

Judaism holds as one of its transcendental dogmas the fact that they are the people chosen by God to found their faith.

For their part, Hinduism and Buddhism share the dogma of karma that supposes that each one is conditioned in the present by what they did in their past life.

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