
definition of exchange

In general terms, the term of exchange is designated by the act of changing something reciprocally and that can occur between several people, organizations or nations.However, the word has other connotations according to the context in which it is used.

In the field of marketing, exchange will be called that communication that is established between two or more parties to achieve something that is infinitely valued from the other.. Some conditions that marketing sets us for this exchange are: that the parties exist, that each of the parties holds something that is of value and need for the other, that is, that the other wants something from me, each party must be able to communicate and give what they have, each party must have the freedom to accept or reject the offer of the other party for what they have and that each party must be convinced to deal with the other party who has what they want to get the exchange to a successful conclusion.

On the other hand, to instances of the economy, the exchange can adopt two types of modalities.

On the one hand barter, which will be that exchange in which money does not come into play or intervene and, on the other hand, the market, which is certainly opposed to the previous one in its basic condition, since in this case, economic exchange occurs with a hot money mediation.

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