
definition of colonization

The word colonization refers to the action and result of colonizing a territory, while colonizing implies the establishment of colonies, that is, converting a country or a territory into a colony of another.

Action carried out by a powerful country and which consists of submitting to its designs another with less power

Thus, a country with little or no power becomes dominated and administered by another foreigner, who is a power and it is precisely thanks to that power that it manages to impose itself on another.

Political and economic intentions

The reasons for this type of action are associated with obtaining economic benefits, because precisely those countries that turn into colonies have extraordinary resources that they know how to extract and exploit, because of course, the power has the tools to do so.

It should be noted that this economic and cultural subjection that many powers, especially European ones, have made during the nineteenth century, is designated as colonialism and has lasted a long time.

Internal revolutions, in which violence prevailed and was exchanged between both sides, were the departure of many colonialism, with many victims lamenting.

A good part of the colonizing powers have competed with each other, because of course, this gave them supreme power the greater their extraterritorial dominance.

Occupy or populate a territory, often in search of a better life

It should be noted that the word colonization is often used in different areas to account for the occupation or population of a space by a group, either the same human or another species.

In the particular case of human beings, colonization implies the settlement of a population, the colonists, in an area that appears uninhabited.

The inhabitants of a state move to another nation or to a population far from their own country, to settle there and cultivate the land.

This was a very common practice a few centuries ago, while today a similar action continues to take place, thanks to the benefits of globalization that allow it, since hundreds and hundreds of people settle in other countries or territories of their own. own nation in search of better job opportunities.

On the other hand, the concept of colonization is used as a justification to support the occupation of a presumably virgin or uninhabited territory, a situation that of course will imply the ignorance of a previous occupation by other groups that have been in the same territory before. such is the case of natives or indigenous people.

Meanwhile, the new occupants will consider the original occupation insufficient and then justify it by imposing a presumed superiority, be it cultural, ethnic, religious, economic, among other alternatives.

One of the most representative examples of colonization in history is that of the American continent carried out in the 15th century by Spain.

The colonization of America by the Spanish is the most emblematic case where violence, subjugation and economic desire converged

When the navigator Christopher Columbus came to America, it was populated for a long time by native groups that presented their own history and culture, however, the Spaniards decided to ignore it and impose their superiority on them through weapons, in the cases that required it by the presentation of resistance, or failing that, for evangelization.

The reality is that when Columbus and his successors discovered the enormous wealth that was there at their fingertips in the new continent, they could not fight their greed and then they decided to put together a plan that gradually decimated the original population that in At first they had received them with great pomp and happiness, but when they realized their true intentions they wanted to fight, but unfortunately it was too late because the Spaniards were quick and forceful in colonization.

On the other hand, the Spanish colonizers brought with them to the new continent new diseases that severely affected the original settlers and also contributed to the disappearance.

For its part, the economic colonization, designates the unequal exchange that occurs between a powerful country and another that is not and therefore assumes a relationship of dependency.

Generally, the underdeveloped nation feeds on raw materials, while the powerful nation returns manufactured products at high prices.

And the colonization of space it is the hypothetical process that would lead human beings to create permanent and self-sufficient colonies in space.

Although such a state of affairs emerged and grew in science fiction books, today, it has become a highly probable situation in which several countries are working.

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