
definition of laziness

Laziness is understood to be one of the most negative attitudes that human beings can have and that have to do with carelessness or disinterest in the situation of pain, suffering or discomfort of the other. Laziness is neither more nor less than the lack of commitment and assistance to someone who is suffering, for example someone who lives on the street. Laziness should not be confused with indifference, although both have the same branch, which is to stop assisting that person who needs it.

In the case of laziness, however, we find a more determined and voluntary attitude of the person, that is, a decision more clearly linked to not wanting to help for a reason, not out of fear or ignorance, as could happen with indifference. . Laziness is a very negative attitude since it prevents a person from acting in a caring, concerned or interested way with those who need it.

The term laziness can be applied to a myriad of situations and variables. However, in most cases it is a term used to refer to issues that have to do with social performance, that is, human behavior around others and not so much around oneself. Although one can exercise laziness towards oneself when one stops worrying about their own health, their own appearance or their own well-being, the word refers more than anything to a social attitude that has to do with a certain malice to the time not to resolve situations that may be conflictive or painful for others.

Today, modern society presents many complexities that have to do with problems such as social inequality and poverty. In these cases, laziness is very visible when we talk about governments that do not want to solve these problems for political interests, as well as we can speak of laziness when some people act in a miserable way or in an aggressive and contemptuous way with those people who suffer from being in a situation of destitution.

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