
definition of entrepreneur

The term businessman denominates in our language the person who owns a company, a business or an industry and as such is in charge of its direction and management, with the primary purpose of obtaining economic benefits.

So, the employer's field of work is a company that can engage in various economic activities, such is the case of an agricultural and livestock company, a construction company, entertainment company, or sales of services, to name a few common examples.

Although the entrepreneur tends to unilaterally make the decisions that affect the business in which his company is inserted, it is also common for an entrepreneur to associate with another colleague to, for example, co-direct a company and then in this case both are in charge of deciding the policies of action and obviously they are also partners when it comes to sharing the dividends that enter the company in question.

Now, we must emphasize that although the employer is in charge of making the most sensitive decisions of the company he directs, he is not capable of doing everything and performing the various functions that are necessary for a company to function, therefore, it is necessary that delegate those tasks or activities that are not linked to the decisions, to employees that he just hires to carry them out efficiently and thus he can take care of what is inherent to profit maximization.

Meanwhile, just as the businessman obtains the revenues that occur from the exploitation of the business, he will also be legally responsible for what justice demands of him for occupying that role. That is, if a company incurs a serious misconduct against a client, for example swindles him, then the businessman, owner and person in charge of the firm will be the one who must answer to justice for that breach. The penalty that the courts determine by their actions must be completed by the businessman, the owner of the business. No employee or any other related to the business will have to answer for it.

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