
definition of transition

The term transition is the term that is normally used to define the change, the handover, the progressive evolution from one state to another. The word can be used to designate a state of mind (for example, the transition between joy and crying) as well as for physical or scientific questions (for example, when we talk about the transition of matter from one state to another) . Finally, the idea of ​​transition can also be applied to more complex issues such as historical or social events that signify important changes in people's lives and that, in most cases, can take a long time. When we speak of transition, we are always implying that we are talking about something that changes or alters its essence in a progressive and non-violent way, such as a revolution.

The word transition comes from the Latin term transit, which means 'transfer', 'change'. Thus, the word transition is used to refer to all acts that involve a change, an evolution or a passage from one state to another.

If we talk about the historical transition, this is very important since since the beginning of Humanity, man has gone through various stages from more or less violent transitions. A clear example of transition is when man invents agriculture and can thus go through or transition from a nomadic lifestyle (much more insecure and unstable) to a sedentary one (a change that undoubtedly improved his quality of life). Other transitions in history can also be political changes (such as the passage from the monarchy to democracy), social (the change of roles between social groups), economic (the transition from a slave economy to a feudalism and then to a capitalist one. ) and even cultural (when we talk about the transition of mentalities).

Transitions always involve some type of adaptation that varies depending on the type of change we make. The new characteristics of what emerges are usually not known so the human being thus begins to go through a long process of adaptation to them.

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