
definition of learning

Learning is considered one of the main mental functions presented by human beings, animals and artificial-type systems. In super general terms, it is said that learning is the acquisition of any knowledge from the information that is perceived.

Some of the characteristics that are mostly manifested after having received some type of learning are: changes in behavior, this not only implies the modification of behaviors that already exist but also the acquisition of new behaviors that will be incorporated as a result of this new learning.

For example, when we are learning a new language, for that to become a learning it must be used, but what traditionally happens when the language is not practiced at any time, is the forgetting of it. And of course, this same situation extends to other types of issues that are learned.

Another important characteristic is experience, because changes in behavior are closely related to practice and training. For example, when one learns to drive a car, it will be necessary to follow certain rules that this activity implies, of course, to specify it in the best possible way since, in addition, in this type of issue, not only your own life but also that of others is at risk.

And the last characteristic of the learning process that any individual will undergo is the constant daily interaction with their environment that will certainly determine learning.

Among the factors that will facilitate or complicate the task of learning, we can find motivation that can be influenced, increased or decreased according to elements intrinsic or extrinsic to the individual who learns. For example, a child who at school suffers repeated teasing and jokes from his classmates, of course, will see his interest or motivation to learn affected very negatively, that is, surely, that boy will show no interest in attending school because he her peers make her have a very bad time.

Likewise, the psychological maturation of someone will be vital when it comes to learning a certain issue, human beings go through certain stages in which, in some it will be easier for us to understand some issues and in others not.

Another factor that can help or counteract in a learning process is the material availability that one has. For example, if parents do not provide their son with certain financial means so that, for example, he can buy the book that he is asked to do at school, he will probably fall behind in assignments and in classes.

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