
dimension definition

The dimension refers to the length, extension or volume that a line, surface or body will occupy, respectively, in space. For example, the dimensions of an object are the ones that will ultimately determine its size and shape as we perceive them..

According to most of the studies that have been done in this regard, the space-time in which human beings live and develop, has four dimensions, separating into three spatial dimensions and a single temporal one, that is, this is explained as follows: we can move from top to bottom or vice versa, to the north or south and to the west and east. These would be three of the dimensions of which he spoke, while time would be the fourth dimension that only has a single and unique direction. Mathematicians, for example, have studied and defined various definitions of dimension for the number of possible spaces that exist, that of a vector space, the topological one, among others.

But in addition to the mathematical context, the term dimension has other interpretations depending on the context in which it is applied and used.

Thus, in matters of events and facts, the term dimension is often used to account for the importance, magnitude and scope achieved by a particular event. For example, it is very common to hear people say that such a question reached an unexpected dimension that was not anticipated and did not even deserve because it was capable of something not so transcendent.

But also, dimension is a well-known and hackneyed question in the world of science fiction, both written and produced by film or television, through what we know as a science fiction genre, which has always dealt with these issues that make people Parallel universes that presumably exist and that this genre has always been concerned with rehearsing or representing, the twilight zone, as it is traditionally known and even so many artistic pieces that referred to these issues have been called.

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