
definition of authority

Authority refers to the power and the double function of commanding on the one hand and of being obeyed by the other, which an individual will hold above the rest.. But of course, not everyone will hold this power, but it is closely related to other issues such as position, the role that a person occupies in a society or community, for instance. In most cases, the father will be the highest authority within a family, that is, all the decisions and responsibilities that affect his children will pass through him until they reach the age of emancipation.

Another issue that will also determine the authority of a person is the power or position held within a company or organization.

For example, the owner of a company will be the highest and undisputed authority of the same, to which his sub-alternates or employees must respond whenever the dynamics, the need of the same or of this request it. Likewise, as with the owner or president of a company, the president of a country in full power and exercise of it, legitimized by the choice of citizens, also has the power of authority that will allow him to make decisions and implement policies in order to the development of your country.

And finally, dignity and knowledge of various subjects or of one in particular and that make a difference over those that the common people have, they will give the person who owns them the authority to give an opinion or decide what to do with those questions of which he knows more than everyone else.

Of course, each authority, regardless of whether it is by power, position, dignity or knowledge, must be respected and their decisions respected.

Meanwhile, another interesting aspect to highlight regarding the concept of authority is the existence of obedience, because without it, that is, without the acceptance of our authority by the other, it will be practically impossible to exercise it, except through force. but we already know that this is the least recommended for both.

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