
definition of logarithm

At the request of the math, a logarithm is he exponent to which it is necessary to raise to a certain positive quantity so that a certain number results. It is also known as the inverse function of the exponential function.

Meanwhile, it is called logarithmation to the mathematical operation through which, giving a resultant number and a power base, it will be necessary to find the exponent to which the base will have to be raised in order to achieve the aforementioned result.

As with addition and multiplication that have their opposite operations, division and subtraction, logarithmation has exponentiation as its inverse function.

Example: 10 (2) = 100, the logarithm of 100 in base 10 will be 2 and it will be written as follows: log10 100 = 2.

This calculation method through the so-called logarithms was driven by John napier at the beginning of the seventeenth century.

The logarithmic method not only contributed to the advancement of science but also became a fundamental tool in the field of Astronomy by making very complex calculations simpler.

Logarithms were used extensively in geodesy, in some branches of applied mathematics, and in maritime navigation when calculators and computers were not yet the concrete fact that they are today.

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