
reference definition

The reference is a number, a piece of information, which can be a name, which will allow the subsequent location of a thing or object when necessary in any area, either in a library to locate the books that students request or in the postal world; For example, the letters usually have printed references that must be printed on it for it to come to fruition, such is the case of the reason for assigning a post office box.

The most common reference that any of us, who have surely read even one book in our life, have ever come across, is the bibliographic reference, which always It will appear at the end of any writing and implies the presentation of a minimum set of data such as the name of the author, the title of his work, the date of publication and the place in which it was published.. The purpose of this reference in the books is for the reader to know from where a phrase, an idea or the text that makes up the book you are reading was extracted was transcribed.

But not only in books is it common to find it, but in monographs, which have become so popular in recent years within the academic field and which swarm massively on the Internet, it is rigorously that the works that appear at the end of these works They were consulted to carry it out, because if they did not do so, they would be committing plagiarism, simply and simply stealing an expression or an idea from another author.

The great diffusion of content of digital origin has motivated two great phenomena in which the references corresponds; On the one hand, it has been necessary to standardize bibliographic citations, in an order and precision recognized worldwide to facilitate the indexing of data and texts in all tangible or electronic libraries. Conventionally, the so-called Vancouver standards are used for this purpose, first elaborated back in 1977 and later revised and refined in pre-established periods. This system, which was initially limited to academic content in a biomedical style, was quickly adopted by other fields of science and is to date the style of choice in all environments related to scientific production.

On the other hand, the existence of digital libraries scattered throughout the nations, with a greater or lesser degree of accessibility by users, has also motivated the creation of a second reference system which applies for electronic documents. This modality is known by the acronym "doi", which corresponds to the acronym in English for digital object identifier. Through this format it is possible to identify articles from scientific journals, book chapters and other content that, through this code, are recognizable by users of any language in all databases or libraries of the growing digital universe.

Also the term reference has acquired vital importance in the field of human resources. For example, in recent years, it is almost a necessary step when applying for a job that those who are tasked with recruiting candidates ask for references (performance, compliance, responsibility) in the job immediately prior to the applicant.

In this sense, it is admitted that, on occasions, the reference can constitute an unbalancing factor of greater specific weight than the curriculum or the academic or work background of an individual. Sometimes certain forms of performance cannot be judged against the benchmark goals of a person's history, but The reference contributed by former superiors are perhaps considered to be of great value, as they trace back personal experience about the daily capacity of the aspirant.

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