
definition of public treasure

The concept of public treasury is a concept that comes from the economy and is used to designate those resources or elements that a State (national or regional) has to deal with different activities, actions or measures that it seeks to carry out. The public treasury is made up of a myriad of elements and is a mix between all income (which is made mainly through the collection of all kinds of taxes) and expenses (payments, investments, etc.).

The public treasury is undoubtedly one of the most important elements that a State can count on since it is what finances all the measures or projects that State has for the country or region to govern. Thus, having a limited public treasure obviously means much less freedom of action and the possible permanent discontent of the population. At the same time, an excessively large public treasury can mean a loss of control over the use of resources as well as possible corruption.

As mentioned, the public treasury is made up of all the resources that a State has to use and these resources can be present in different types of currencies, but they can also be present in a symbolic way from the investments that the State makes in entities, in projects, etc. Thus, although an entity supported by the State is no longer money, it does represent part of the public treasury because it has capital and resources from that State.

The public qualification is used to mark that the treasure available to a country or a specific region is common to all the inhabitants of the same. It is appropriately managed by different leaders or officials elected (or perhaps not) by the people, but the public treasury is always unquestionably a possession of the people since it is they who contribute with their work, their effort and the fulfillment of rights. to form it.

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