
definition of cultural center

The idea of ​​a cultural center is applied to those venues in which activities of a cultural nature are organized: conferences, exhibitions, gatherings, etc. There is no specific model of a cultural center, since each one has a specific focus and specializes in a certain type of activity.

Already in ancient times there were places destined for the diffusion of culture. The most famous is the library of Alexandria, where in addition to books and documents, research tasks were carried out in different areas of knowledge. The Library of Alexandria had a multidisciplinary spirit and that ancient world approach has survived to this day, being applied in what is now called a cultural center.

Large cities have been and are places of cultural tradition. In them there are entities and institutions that promote knowledge (museums, athenaeums, artistic groups, etc.). And culture spreads because human beings believe in the benefits that are obtained from it. Culture is a useful tool to promote tolerance, the idea of ​​beauty or civic values. Fostering culture among citizens is a way for them to have a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

Cultural centers are meeting places. In them, participants share their concerns and exchange information. The communication that is generated in these centers allows a socialization of its members. Knowledge could be acquired alone and for this the internet is a powerful source of consultation. However, culture reaches a higher level if it manifests itself in the company of others, if there is a center where individual skill and concern can communicate with other people.

Currently there are new models of cultural centers. Those of a traditional nature continue to exist, although little by little they appear

innovative proposals. An example is that of neighborhood movements, which are organized outside of public institutions and set up more open, participatory and creative cultural centers. This means that culture is dynamic and subject to evolution, just as it happens in cultural centers.

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