
definition of doubtful

The term doubtful is a qualifying adjective that is used to characterize a person who maintains an attitude of doubt or insecurity regarding some decision that must be taken. Although doubtful can be a temporary state of the person that depends on the specific circumstances but does not characterize that individual at all, we can also say that the doubtful being is one that manifests a constant attitude of doubt, fear or insecurity both towards great decisions such as small ones, which have to do with daily life and day to day. In this way, then, the attitude of doubting, or doubting can be permanent or temporary.

The personality of a subject can have several facets or elements depending on the situation that individual has to face. In this sense, we can say that a person can show a hesitant attitude when he has to make decisions about which he is not sure. Those decisions can be as important as buying a house or small as what clothes to wear that day. The state of indecision or insecurity regarding the choice to make generates discomfort in the person since it is an issue that is not resolved. Many times, the doubting person can be seen as someone rational who does not get carried away by impulses and who seeks to resolve situations in the most convenient and logical way possible.

Although, as we said before, the state of doubt that a person can have can be temporary, it is also true that there are many people who constantly demonstrate that attitude towards numerous situations. These people are generally insecure, fearful people. When we speak of a permanent doubt, we no longer speak of a rational attitude but, on the contrary, we are approaching an emotional personality that is carried away by the fear of making decisions, by the inability to commit to their choice and to a low self-esteem that does not allow you to trust the decisions or options for each case. In general, it is difficult for a doubting person to live with other people since this type of action is not understandable and neither does it help to coexist.

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