
definition of incomprehensible

It incomprehensible It refers to that which is not plausible to be understood, understood, interpreted, or failing that, which turns out to be very difficult to do. My doctor's handwriting is really incomprehensible, not even the pharmacist understood the prescription.

Meanwhile, the word incomprehensible is closely related to other terms, which broadly express the same thing, therefore, recurrently, they are used as synonyms of it, such is the case of: intelligible, unimaginable, complicated, weird, inexplicable, incoherent, mysterious, unknowable, impenetrable, and unreadable. And it is directly opposed to concepts like those of clear and understandable. That which is understandable is that which can be understood and understood. Understandable lyrics, understandable theory, understandable idea, among other alternatives.

Thanks to the understanding, the faculty or capacity that individuals have to understand and penetrate the things that make up and coexist in this world, is that then we can understand and if there is something that is incomprehensible, such as an idea, a concept, through the effort and explanation of an expert, plus our understanding, to be able to transform what is incomprehensible into a clear and understandable idea.

For example, thanks to the reading comprehension, as the process of elaborating meanings is called from the learning of those relevant ideas in a text and the establishment of relationships with previous ideas, is that when we find ourselves reading a certain text or work, we can access its understanding. If, on the contrary, we do not make an effort in the development of this process, it will be practically impossible that by reading a book we can understand its history, its message.

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