
definition of continental slope

Below the depths of the sea are the so-called submerged reliefs. These reliefs are found both on the bottom of the seas and in the oceans.

Depending on their geological origin, there are two types of reliefs:

1) those reliefs that are on the continental margin and that are located below the earth's crust and

2) the reliefs of the ocean floor, which are typical of the oceanic crust.

Within the reliefs of the continental margin there is the continental shelf, which constitutes the extension of the emerged lands and which presents a gentle slope that goes from the coast to about 200 meters deep. In coastal areas, the corresponding continental shelves are usually gently sloping, while in mountainous areas close to the coast the continental shelf is usually much more pronounced.

The continental slope lies below the continental shelf

The area presents a type of steep slopes and in terms of its location it is located between the end of the continental shelf and the foot of the slope, where it comes into contact with the ocean floor.

The slope goes from 200 meters deep in its upper part to 3,500 meters deep in its lower part. The foot of the slope is formed from the accumulation of sediments fallen from the continental shelf. In short, it forms a part of the underwater morphology. Valleys, mountains and large underwater canyons usually appear in this type of relief.

Due to its great depth, sunlight does not reach the continental slopes and the water temperature is very low. In this extreme environment you can find giant craters that emit gases such as methane hydrate. On the oceanic slopes this gas remains stable, but if the temperature changes, this gas would escape from the depth of the aquatic environment and this would cause damage to the environment or serious accidents in boats.

Other ocean reliefs

In addition to the continental slopes, in the depths of the sea and the oceans there are other types of relief. Thus, the abyssal plains are flat surfaces of great extensions and that are covered with sediments. Some abyssal plains have interruptions in the terrain, better known as guyots (guyots are seamounts that have a conical shape and a flat top). On the other hand, some abyssal plains are also interrupted by the so-called oceanic ridges, which are marine ridges that extend along the oceans.

Photos: Fotolia - gondurazzz / divedog

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