
definition of otakus

Historically, Japanese culture has remained closed in on itself and with few contacts with the Western world. However, this trend has changed in recent years and the Japanese has been integrated into the globalized world.

At present, the use of terms and cultural references typical of the Japanese nation is not strange. The word otaku is a good example of this phenomenon.

Otaku are an urban subculture that takes their passion for anime and manga to the extreme

In Japan fans obsessed with the world of manga and anime are known as otakus. In the Japanese context, this term is normally used in a pejorative sense, since with this label it is transmitted that someone takes their hobby to an exaggerated and even unhealthy point. In our language we do not have such a derogatory label and we call this type of people a geek.

How can we identify them?

The typical Japanese otaku stands out for some features and peculiarities. He is capable of falling in love with one of his favorite fictional characters. In his clothing he wears badges from the anime or manga universe and these characters appear at the bottom of his cell phone screen.

With relative frequency his passion leads him to social isolation and when this happens the otaku becomes a hikikomori.

Among her favorite accessories are wigs with bright colors. Many otakus from other countries use Japanese words and instead of saying hello they use the equivalent greeting "kaori chan", as well as other everyday expressions in Japanese.

The girls adopt a cute attitude and exaggerate their childish demeanor. Among them it is very common to sing typical songs from the anime and manga world.

A short glossary of Japanese terms incorporated into the global village

- Wabi sabi is a type of beauty based on the idea of ​​imperfection.

- Shinrin-yoky is a "forest bath" and this term refers to the search for tranquility and silence in the forest.

- The resistant attitude and the ability to fight are known as gaman.

- A koi No Yokan is a love affair. Gafes people are love otoko.

- Whoever lives the moment with intensity is a ukiyo.

- Reliable and serious people are majestic.

Apart from these expressions, the Japanese aesthetic is present in gyaru fashion, in kogal-type school uniforms or in decora style.

With respect to the otakus, they have ceased to be an exclusively Japanese phenomenon to become an urban tribe in all corners of the planet.

Fotolia photos: Nomad_Soul / Dodondayo

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