
definition of instinct

Related to psychic issues but above all to biological spheres, instinct is the term used to describe those patterns or behaviors that involve a reaction to certain situations of greater or lesser urgency. These behaviors are very characteristic of the animal and in many ways are seen as the predominance of the wild character of the animal. However, they are also present in humans and, although much more neutralized than in animals, these instinctual behaviors are what allow, in a certain sense, the evolution and adaptation of human beings to various realities.

From a biological point of view, instinct is the immediate reaction to certain stimuli. In this sense, acting from instinct means, for example, escaping from danger, seeking protection or seeking to protect our close ones, seeking to satisfy certain needs, etc. For the biological currents, the instinct in the human being can be given in two different ways: the survival instinct, the one that leads us to adapt to different realities in order to meet the basic needs, and the reproduction instinct, the one that Its objective is to make the species last above all things.

Instinct is primarily hereditary and cannot be learned. In this way, it is common to the entire species and does not vary according to the education that each individual receives, the lifestyle they lead or the resources they have to live. As its basic objective is adaptation to a new complex and different reality, instinct is, in biological terms, that which allows the survival and evolution of the species in question.

Many social theories and experts from the branches of anthropology, psychology and sociology, maintain that the instinct in the human being can be considered as almost non-existent or null. This is explained through the fact that the human being is the only living being that interacts in a cultural environment in which biological and 'wild' reactions are neutralized or appeased. In this way, these currents explain that today it would be impossible for a defenseless human being to resort to his original survival instinct in order to survive in inhospitable environments because the human race has lost contact with this type of reaction.

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