
definition of town

In general terms, the term of town designates the set of people that make up a Nation, although also, with the same word, people that make up only a part of a country are usually designated as being a locality or a region that It is located outside the big city, in what we would call rural areas, for example, these territories, in many parts of the world they are popularly known as towns.

Likewise, on many occasions the term town is used to designate some ethnic identification, especially in those contexts in which expressions such as primitive, ancient or indigenous peoples are used.

Meanwhile, currently and most of the national constitutions of the different countries of the world allow us to verify it, the term people has a special participation and significance, linked to what was mentioned at the beginning of this review, also comprising an important and proper part of the law constitutional. For example, if we start to review many of the national constitutions of countries such as the United States, Argentina, Spain and Colombia, we find that the term people occupies a special and prominent place as a consequence that the word expresses the subject of sovereignty. Because people for political theory and constitutional law is the subject of national sovereignty, understood as popular sovereignty.

Although in terms of monarchical absolutism sovereignty was considered to come from God, the conceptions that followed that had to do with profound changes and political and social transformations that occurred in humanity, such as the French Revolution, for example, began to consider to the people as the main depository of sovereignty. Moreover, from the twentieth century, almost all the national constitutions of the nations of the world, as we mentioned above, were certainly expressed on this point, making it clear and legally established who is the true subject and owner of sovereignty. : the village.

On the other hand, there are many people who use the term with an absolutely negative connotation, that is, they use the word town when they want to give an account of those ordinary, humble, simple people who do not present a certain formal education that is close to the average. .

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