
definition of lethargy

The term lethargy is used to designate that state of drowsiness or low activity in which a living being can enter in certain situations spontaneously or in a sought-after manner. One can enter a moment of lethargy when sleeping naturally for a certain time as well as due to the use of certain medicinal substances that seek to place the person in a situation of relaxation and minimal activity.

Lethargy is a state of the organism of a living being that is characterized by developing a zero level of activity. Both animals and humans go into a state of lethargy in a common and very frequent way, that is, every time they sleep. When sleeping, the body lowers its level of activity, stress or tension and enters a state of natural relaxation. During lethargy, the body also looks more defenseless since it is not alert. In the case of human beings, this ordinary lethargy can easily lead to dreaming or having unconscious representations of situations of a very different kind.

On the other hand, there are many animals that go into a much more lasting torpor and that has to do with the fulfillment of different natural cycles. Clear examples of this are bears, turtles, sloths, dormouses, etc. All these animals lower their activity at a certain time of the year, an act that is also known as hibernating and that normally takes place in times of cold temperatures. In this way, the body enters a state of lethargy or relaxation and consumes less energy that allows the animal in question to survive longer.

The state of lethargy can also be caused through the use of very different types of medicines in situations in which it is necessary for an injured person or animal to go into a state of drowsiness in order to be treated correctly.

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