
definition of eons

As we know, the study of planet earth is certainly complex because the entity under observation is precisely so, while experts and scholars in the field use various tools to deepen their studies and then the knowledge obtained is also carefully and particularly structured to make their knowledge and recognition more accessible.

And it is on this path that the concept of eons that occupies us in this review. Because eons are each period in which geologists have determined to divide the history of our planet earth. More precisely, there are three.

That is, the aeon is the maximum division of time that exists and is used in the geological time scale, which is the only frame of reference that humans have to be able to represent in an orderly and chronological way the various events that had space in the history of the planet.

Now, it is worth pointing out, since it is very important when it comes to understanding why an eon begins or ends, that this beginning or ending situation will be determined by those substantial and important changes with regard to the evolution of living beings .

It is also important that we clarify that an eon does not imply a specific number of years to be defined as such, there was never an agreement to establish it, the idea of ​​its use is to indicate that the time involved in an eon is important.

To better understand this stratification that geology performs to know the planet we inhabit, we must indicate that the division that precedes the eon is that of the supereon, while those that continue are the famous eras (Cenozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, among others ).

And finally we must say that those three eons are: Phanerozoic, Proterozoic and Archaic. The first is characterized because macroscopic organisms such as plants, animals, fungi, among others, lived in it. In the following one of the great events were the first glaciations and in the last eon the great movements of tectonic plates take place that give way to the planetary structure of today.

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