
definition of contraction

The specific definition of the term contraction is one that means the shrinkage of something. This definition can then be applied to various situations or phenomena that may be very different from each other but have in common, precisely, the act of shrinking. One of the most used and common meanings of the word contraction is one that refers to the shrinkage of the muscles of the body that a woman suffers when she is about to give birth or when she is pregnant. However, another possibility is the one that represents the union of two words in the grammar that seeks to abbreviate the letters and thus make their pronunciation easier as when saying "del" instead of "de el".

The contractions that occur at the organic level have to do with the movement that some muscles of the body can perform in the face of various stimuli or phenomena and that in most cases cause discomfort to the person (animals also suffer this) because it is a movement tension and not relaxation. Although contractions can occur in different muscles and in different situations, the most common of all is the one that is generated when a pregnant woman feels pain in the abdominal area due to muscle movements that aim to prepare the body for the moment of birth of the future baby. Other common muscle contractions are those that can be generated by blows or injuries. Even the act of contracting and relaxing a muscle is something completely common that can also be given in a planned way when exercising to strengthen that particular muscle.

Grammatical contractions are created to facilitate speech and to avoid repeating letters that, phonetically, can sound unpleasant or annoying. These contractions involve the disappearance of some letters as seen in the example above in order to make the words speak more fluently.

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