
definition of platonic love

Love, despite being such an abstract and complex subject when it comes to defining it, it could be said that it is that set of feelings that link one person to another, or to things, ideas, among other alternatives.

Although especially love is directly linked to what we could call romantic love, that is, that love that implies a passionate relationship between two people, it is also correct to apply to other types of relationships such as family love, the one that is felt among friends and many others, always in all cases, it will be a feeling that causes great affection and esteem for who is the recipient of our love, without fear of exaggeration we could say that it is the strongest feeling that can be felt by another person or entity.

Now, once described and with a clearer picture of what love is, we will deal with a type of love, popularly known as platonic love.

Idealizes when loved

Platonic love is one that is characterized by the fact that the one who feels it forms an ideal image of the person he loves without establishing any kind of real relationship with her other than the platonic one.That is to say, everything passes through thoughts, nothing ever takes shape in platonic love. "Juan has had a platonic love for his history teacher for years."

Meanwhile, the idealization that borders on the conception of the perfect is the most distinctive characteristic of this type of feeling.

That unattainable love that due to various circumstances cannot materialize and in which there may be a sexual component, but which occurs mentally, imaginatively, but not physically, it is a platonic love. In this way of love illusion is the foundation on which love stands and above all else, it gives special importance to the spiritual rather than to the physical and passionate.

Denomination derived from Plato's conception of love

The denomination of the concept has its origin in the philosopher Plato, for example it is spoken of Platonic. Plato maintained that love was something unattainable and that it had no relationship with the material but strictly with the spiritual, the beauty of the soul and the feeling of knowledge of the other person. For Plato, neither carnality nor sexual desire had anything to do with this conception of love.

Plato, in his famous Dialogues, argued that the love of knowledge, wisdom and beauty is what, according to this philosopher, is at the origin of love, far from all kinds of passionate allusion. An individual, Plato thought, will find love when he has a vision close to what he had as a soul in which beauty was appreciated above all things while ideas were contemplated, while that light on beauty will be found in the body of the person who is loved or who is beginning to love. The vision of the soul of the other is what Plato considered deep love.

Now, we must emphasize that with the passage of time this idea proposed by Plato hundreds of years ago has become obsolete and the concept began to be used massively to refer to that love story that is characterized by its inability to materialize in practice, for various factors, and their lack of correspondence.

We all had a platonic love ...

Surely everyone who is reading this article will remember with a smile and endearing affection that platonic love they once had, because all of us without exception have had it, especially in childhood and adolescence where imagination, dreams and idealizations abound. . The singer of our favorite band, an actor who moved us, the older brother of a friend, a teacher at school, are some of the many platonic loves that surely someone had.

Normally, this irrepressible feeling is usually accompanied by an ideal story that our mind makes by thinking of ourselves together with that person. Forming a family, getting married and even having children with platonic love, traveling the world, among countless stories that are usually put together in our minds.

What brings greater magnetism and attraction to platonic love is the impossibility of concretion that it has, what a paradox ... Among some of the most common reasons why this harmony does not occur, we can mention: difference in social classes, important differences in age , such as being a 15-year-old girl and a 50-year-old man, famous personalities, considerable geographical distances, people who are in a relationship, among others.

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