
positive-negative motivation - definition, concept and what it is

Motivation is a vital ingredient highly desired by the human being. However, there are different types of motivation. A person receives stimuli that motivate or demotivate him in the direction of a certain goal. Motivation is born from the alignment of knowledge and will since the will must know the reasons that move a person to action.

Desire for personal growth

It is the interest in self-improvement that is sincerely born in the heart of that person who has the desire to become the best version of himself through thoughts, words and actions.

That is, a person with positive motivation not only loves himself for his current virtues, but also projects himself into the future from the perspective of the development potential he has to feed his virtues and correct his defects.

The most positive motivation is that which is intrinsic, that is, the capacity for emotional intelligence of a person who by himself has the power to make decisions to persist in the fight for a realistic goal that has been set. It manifests itself when you have set goals that really excite you and you establish a commitment to their fulfillment.

Also, it can be extrinsic and it is the recognition that a boss offers to his workers to recognize the talent of others. Internal or external motivation is positive when the subject manages to connect with that goal of perseverance that has been set.

How to identify negative motivation

A symptom of a committed person is that they have the habit of carrying out the projects they undertake. On the contrary, an example of negative motivation is the case of a person who tends to leave the projects he begins halfway through because after the initial illusion he gives up.

That is to say, it is observed in parallel with the demotivation of those who do not overcome the obstacles that arise in the action plan that they have dealt with and find many excuses to throw in the towel before a goal.

It is born from an idealized vision of reality since the person focuses only on the goal but does not visualize the renunciations that he has to carry out to achieve that goal.

Photo: Fotolia - vege

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