
definition of intense

The word intense It is one of the most common and expressed at the request of the Spanish language, while it has two well-publicized uses.

On the one hand, we designate as intense that or whoever has or presents intensity. Meanwhile, it should be noted that intensity refers the level of force exhibited by a certain phenomenon, a natural agent, a characteristic, a manifestation or a physical magnitude, among other alternatives.

So, the current intensity It turns out to be the physical magnitude that tells us of the amount of electricity that travels in a conductor in the corresponding unit of time, that is, it is the charge output that as a consequence of the action of the electrons passes through the material in question. The ammeter It is the instrument that in this case mentioned facilitates such a measurement of the electric current.

Other intensities of physical magnitudes with which we can find are: sound intensity (This is the physical measurement that gives us the amplitude that sound waves present in relation to the unit of phonium, while that sound intensity will imply the acoustic power that the sound wave transmits per unit area towards the direction in which it is disseminated); and light intensity (It is the light current that emanates from a source towards a specific direction as a consequence of the solid angle unit).

And on the other hand, in colloquial language, when you talk about intense you will be referring to momentum, effusiveness and passion that something or someone displays. Juan and María are living such an intense relationship and then hardly anyone can see them separated..

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