
definition of collate

The word collate is a verb that is used to refer to actions whose main objective is to obtain certain information from the analysis of two or more things or phenomena. Checking is a term widely used in the scientific field since it is the most important moment of all research of this type: when checking a person can know if what was hypothesized is true or if the information is not useful for what was being sought initially.

The act of comparing is undoubtedly an act of great importance, whether we are talking about scientific research or any other circumstance in which certain information must be confirmed. This is so because by comparing two or more data together the person confirms whether that information is correct or not. This action can be seen represented in all orders of life, for example when a person needs to know what transport to take to go to a specific place and then compares the route of two or more types of transport to be able to select.

Usually, however, the term collate is related to the scientific field, numbers and statistics, that is why it is also very common to find it in work and business spaces in which results and numbers are always important to know if the business is on track or not.

Finally, when we talk about collation in the scientific space, we are talking about the stage of any investigation in which, after certain tests or examinations are carried out, several results are collated or analyzed together to know how to proceed next. An example could be when a certain type of chemical product is applied to clothing, in three different types of fabric and then the results are compared to know in which cases that product was more effective.

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