
definition of unpredictable

The term unpredictable refers to everything that, precisely, is not predictable, that cannot be anticipated in advance or known. The notion that something or someone can be unpredictable also gives the idea that it is beyond scientific possibilities or traditional knowledge and that, therefore, it can be something difficult to control or to know. The word unpredictable acts as a qualifying adjective that can be applied to both people and situations, events, natural phenomena, etc.

The same term already shows us or explains its meaning: unpredictable is the opposite of predictable. Something that is predictable is something that can be known in advance either because certain elements act that guide us towards that result or because the situation has been repeated many times and it can be concluded that the next opportunity will be the same. So, unpredictable is the opposite: something that cannot be predicted because it is the result of an erratic act or because sufficient circumstances are not yet known to establish a pattern in this regard.

In some cases, the term unpredictable can have negative connotations, especially if it is referring to something that humans cannot master or control. This is especially visible in the case of how nature behaves, many times understandable and many other times completely unpredictable, and therefore dangerous for humans. The character of a person can also be unpredictable when it does not follow a more or less definable pattern or parameter: either due to severe personality disorders as well as mood changes, different moods or different postures in situations of the life, an individual's personality can also be unpredictable. Here, the concept of unpredictable can have a positive connotation if it is understood as enigmatic but negative if it is understood as inconsistent.

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