
definition of flow

The word flow It is a term that is frequently used in our language and that we use to express various issues.

Amount of water in a stream

One of its most widespread uses allows referring to the amount of water held by a given stream of just water, such is the case of a river.

It is very common to hear about the flow to refer to the volume of water that circulates through a river.

In other words, it is about thevolume of water that carries it in its path. “ The low flow of the river is amazing.”

On the other hand, at the request of the fluid dynamics, the flow designates that amount of a fluid that moves in a unit of time.

This unit can be expressed both in volume and mass.

In the previously expressed case of the flow of a river, normally, it will be expressed in cubic meters and per second, meanwhile, the evolution of the flow is represented through the tool known as a hydrograph.

It should be noted that knowledge of the flow of a river will be of vital importance when building dams, reservoirs, or any other type of work.

Flowmeter, the tool that measures flow

The flow meter It is an instrument specially created to calculate the measurement of a flow.

To carry out the measurement, they are arranged in a linear way with the pipe that will carry the fluid.

The flowmeter can be mechanical or electrical.

Water heaters and washing machines often use the electric flow meter.

Material goods, box in which valuables are kept and vehicle that transports money

Another job that supports this word is as synonymous with goods, that is, it can be used to indicate the material goods that someone has.

We have to take this large amount of flows with great caution to the bank.

In the financial and economic sphere, it is common to use this term, as we have already expressed, to designate any type of material good that an individual holds.

But this is not the only use that is given to this term in this context and that is how it is called a safe or safe to that private space that can be in a bank or in a house, office, among others. and in which valuable elements are kept such as: money, jewelry, documentation, to name some of the most common.

Safes of this type usually have strict security, especially when they are in banks.

Only the holders or persons authorized to do so may enter them.

They are usually located in a basement where the so-called bank treasure is located.

They have a security and surveillance system, with cameras plus security personnel.

Each box has a double lock to open, one provided by the bank and the other by the owner, without both it cannot be opened, as well as being an extra security measure.

Inside the place where the safe is located there are boxes or closed rooms in which customers who have a safe can enter to remove or add belongings without anyone being able to see it.

On the other hand, the cash truck is another important component at the request of the financial system, being the armored vehicle that deals with the transport of cash, precisely, large sums of money, or other values, for example the money that is placed at ATMs.

These vehicles circulate guarded by specialized personnel and it also has satellite surveillance, because of course, they are usually the loot coveted by a huge number of criminals.

Despite this, we must say that they tend to suffer the effects of crime, which with these attacks tend to make millionaire loot.

Computing: information hosted on broadband

In the field of computingLikewise, we find a reference for this word, since it designates the amount of information that has been occupied in a broadband.

When we speak of flow in relation to the human body, we want to indicate that a structure, such as an organ, is below another, provided that a horizontal plane is taken as a relation.

Abundance of something

And also, in common parlance, when there is an abundance of something it is usually expressed in terms of flows. "The corruption scandal in the Senate unfolded a wealth of accusations among those involved.”

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