
definition of converse

The word to converse designates the act of speaking carried out by two or more individuals and which generally has the missions of: informing the other of something new, exchanging ideas on a question, among other issues.

A fundamental and substantial characteristic, which differentiates the act of talking from, for example, a monologue, is precisely the exchange of words, concepts, ideas, among those who participate, that is, no one speaks exclusively and also each one will have their turn to do it.

The aforementioned action of conversation can be carried out face to face from oral language, or on the contrary, it can be carried out in writing and through the different ways that technology today proposes to us, such as: correspondence, email, chat , video chat via computer or smartphone.

People talk about the most diverse issues and situations, even a conversation can start on a specific topic and then expand into other situations that have nothing to do with the origin of the initial conversation. This occurs mostly in those informal conversations, since in the case of the more formal ones, they are usually guided around a protocol that indicates the topics and the turns in which each participant will be able to express their idea.

Also, it is a frequent question that the conversation is influenced by the context in which it takes place. For example, if two friends talk in the office of one of them who is a doctor, the conversation will surely be interrupted on several occasions by the consultations that patients make to the doctor on the phone.

The word in question presents a variety of synonyms, although, without a doubt, the most widely used in its place are those of chat and talk.

We usually use the first one less formally, that is, we apply it more when the conversation is between friends. I'm going to chat with Marga when I finish work, while the other, speaking, although we also use it for informal dialogues, may well be applied for conversations that propose more formality. I'm going to talk to her teacher because I don't agree with the sanction.

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