
definition of notation

The term notation refers to that system of conventional signs that are adopted and used to express certain concepts of a specific discipline, mathematics, music, among others..

The Scientific Notation or Standard Index Notation is one of those systems, previously agreed, in a concrete way, that serve to represent a number using powers of base ten. The numbers will be written as a product 10n.

This methodology will preferably be used to more easily express very large or very small figures.. According to this mode, instead of writing or speaking of 100,000, we can synthesize it in 105

This type of notation uses a system called a comma or floating point in some English-speaking and Spanish-speaking countries.

This concern to find a system to represent very large or very small numbers more easily, is a question that began since ancient times. For example, the philosopher and mathematician Archimedes was the first to venture such a solution as early as III BC.

Of course, this system is not used in very informal contexts or situations, but rather it is used, preeminently, in scientific fields, at the request of the study or teaching of a certain subject, for example. Among the most recurrent uses that are given to this type of notation are: when the distance is measured with respect to the observable limits of the universe, to note and account for physical quantities. Even the very most sophisticated computers or calculators present both very large and very small results of scientific notation.

Some of the mathematical operations in which this system of scientific notation is used are: addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, radication and empowerment.

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