
definition of sustainability

The term sustainability refers to the balance between a species with the resources of the environment to which it belongs. Basically, sustainability, what he proposes is to satisfy the needs of the current generation but without sacrificing the future capacities of the following generations to satisfy their own needs, that is, something like the search for the right balance between these Two issues.

That is, the proposal of this concept is that a resource is exploited but that exploitation, use is carried out below the limits of its renewal. Because only in this way can the capabilities of those who come after us be satisfactorily preserved.

A typical and widely spread case of this balance between species and use of resources that sustainability seeks and proposes is that which surrounds the wood from the felling of trees in forests.

As is known, if a forest is cut down too much there is a risk that it will disappear, but if that use or exploitation of the raw material is done conscientiously and below a certain limit in which the extinction of this resource is never compromised, then , it will be possible to balance the issue, that is, there will continue to be forests and also it will be possible to continue using wood to build beautiful tables that later brighten up and adorn our surroundings.

But in addition to the case of wood that we exposed, there are other resources such as water, fertile soil and fisheries that can be sustainable or stop being so if that right balance is not met which we talked about above, because when that limit is crossed it will be very difficult to be able to resume and return to the previous conditions.

Sustainability can be studied and even managed across various levels of time and space and also in many contexts of economic, social and environmental organization. The issue can be approached either from a global view of the planet or it can be broken down, broken down into several parts such as by economic sectors, municipalities, neighborhoods, countries, individual houses.

In the meantime, whatever the angle or place from which it is approached, it is important to emphasize that it is an extremely important issue to be addressed throughout the world since it depends on it that we leave our children, to future generations, a A habitable, healthy world in which natural resources abound and are not depleted by human irresponsibility of a use that is not very supportive.

The letter of the earth, regulation of sustainability

The implementation of sustainable development proposes respect for certain values ​​and ethical principles, as long as many of them have been contained in the document called The Earth Charter, which was duly developed with the collaboration of various people and organizations belonging to around the world, who contributed their visions to make a more sustainable world. Of course, the United Nations was key in its promotion and dissemination.

Among its main postulates are: respect and care for life, ecological integrity, social and economic justice, democracy, non-violence and peace,

Also, this document of international scope is used by many organizations to teach about the subject and as political influence.

The healthy ecosystem

When the ecosystem is healthy, it is possible to provide human beings and the organisms that inhabit it with goods and services that do not negatively impact the environment.

Meanwhile, to achieve this ideal scenario there are two great proposals, on the one hand, environmental management that is nourished by the information obtained from earth sciences, environmental sciences, resource demand management and conservation biology; and on the other hand, the management of consumption by human beings, whose information will come from the economic sciences.

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