
definition of drug trafficking

Drug trafficking is the production and trade of illegal drugs. As long as a drug is a substance that modifies one or more of the body's functions, a large number of them can only be indicated by health professionals, who know their scope and can use them to heal. In the case of drugs prohibited by law, their therapeutic use is zero or they can have more negative than positive consequences.

Despite the pernicious nature of illegal drugs, in the various countries there are voices in favor of decriminalization of some of them. The argument put forward in this case is that the prohibition only increases the value of narcotics, turning the traffic of these into a business that would fall with the legality. For their part, the detractors of this position argue that the negative health implications of those who use prohibited substances would be taken lightly if the law were kept out of the way. In some countries, such as Argentina, what is being debated for decriminalization is personal drug use. In other words, they could not be attributed to those who, for example, grow marijuana or coca plants in their own homes. What in this case would be totally prohibited is to sell or commercialize narcotics to third parties, and much more to make a business out of it, which in some cases becomes a millionaire. In this sense, the debate continues.

Generally, prohibited drugs are produced in underdeveloped countries, in places with little presence of the state. In charge of this task are the so-called “posters”, Which can vary in size, and which are true illicit associations. In some places these groups have such power that can openly rival state forces, while their leaders maintain impunity.

Drug trafficking networks are currently pressing problems in several Latin American countries such as Colombia or Mexico. It is that in addition to the production and commercialization of drugs on a large scale (in large quantities), these associations known as "cartels" are frequently related or associated with mafia networks that cause (for different reasons) physical attacks on people, whether they are or have been involved in the cartel in any way (such as cases of account adjustments) or have also claimed the lives of several innocent people.

As for the consuming countriesThese are mainly those of the first world. By the time drugs reach these regions, their price has already risen considerably. That is why the states of the consuming countries have taken serious measures, creating divisions specially prepared to deal with these problems.

In addition, differences can be distinguished between the drugs used either in developed countries or underdeveloped countries, and these differences mainly lie in what substances the drugs are composed of, and as a result of this, the damage that it can cause, beyond that any drug causes. damage, to a greater or lesser extent, to the human body. In developed countries, drugs such as LSD, Popper or "perfume launchers", cocaine, marijuana or achis are popular. On the other hand, in underdeveloped countries, drugs such as paco, base paste, and even some glues or homemade mixtures made by those who consume this type of narcotic can be found as “popular”.

To combat the scourge of drugs, it is necessary to understand first that it is a problem of great complexity and that needs to be addressed from several fronts, being the use of force only one of them. To give an example, in the producing countries, many regions have seen their economy benefited by the actions of the cartels, so many simple people see their leaders as benefactors. This example makes it clear that the use of force may be necessary but at the same time insufficient, which is why a more global and intelligent vision.

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