
definition of lunatic

It is called lunatic to that individual who suffers from madness, or failing that, who in a certain situation behaves just as a person who suffers from madness would.

It should be noted that madness is called absence or disorder of the mental faculties of an individual. Although until about two centuries ago the repudiation of the social norms established in a community was considered insanity, today, when we speak of insanity, it is referring to the concrete mental imbalance that a person suffers and that manifests it to the world around him through the distorted perception of reality, that is, the individual who suffers from madness easily loses control, presents hallucinations and displays really absurd actions that are difficult to find a motive or coherence.

Likewise, in some more severe cases of insanity, the lunatic's behavior is accompanied by very characteristic exaggerated gestures and gestures.

For example, an adult individual who gets on a means of transport dressed in the appearance of a child and also manifests as such in his behavior, will be seen and considered by the general of the people who observe him there as a lunatic. A lunatic spent the whole trip dressed and talking like a four-year-old. They all looked at him.

Meanwhile, it is a term that is closely linked with other concepts, such as: maniac, wacky, insane, disturbed and insane, which are used with recurrence as synonyms of the same and is directly opposed to concepts such as that of sane and thoughtfulBecause a lunatic totally lacks the capacity for reflection.

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