
row definition

The word row It is a term widely used in our language and it is used to refer to various issues.

One of its most common uses allows designating the series of things or people that have been arranged in a line, that is, one after another. In school, for example, when students enter the establishment, or when a special event is held, they are made to line up, the shortest in front and the tallest in the back, in ascending order of height.

In the field of Computing, the term row has two uses, on the one hand, it designates that data structure that involves a sequence of parts with two types of operations that are performed at their ends: push or insert, and pop or extraction. And on the other hand in a spreadsheet, which is a recognized computer program (Excel) that allows us to manipulate numeric and alphanumeric data, the row is next to the column the way of organizing that data.

At the behest of the context military, one row will be one line made up of soldiers, horses, artillery, vehicles, among others, that is, each one is located next to each other. Also, in this same area the row can designate the one active force, that is, that which is in action.

For its part, the Indian line, is the name given to that formed by several individuals who march one after another on a path, whether real or imaginary. The origin of the term dates back to discovery of America since the natives of those times used to move in this way, all together, one after the other, along a path.

Also, the word is used as synonym of grouping or party.

In the colloquial language of some parts of Spanish-speaking the word row refers to a antipathy.

The brazilian row is a breed of dog from Brazil and characterized by its large size and its inclination to guard.

And Fila is also the name of a leading Italian sportswear manufacturing company.

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