
definition of godson

It is designated by the term of godson to that individual who is with respect to his godparents of the sacrament of baptism.

The Baptism It is a rite of initiation and purification quite common in different religions, in the case of Christian or Catholic Baptism, it consists of the application of holy water on the head of the baptized person invoking at the same time the Holy Trinity with the mission of, from that moment on, making the individual participate in the death and resurrection of Jesus. According to Catholic doctrine, Baptism will erase forever the original sin with which all men are born.

Meanwhile, the aforementioned rite is accompanied by different traditional customs that must be respected and one of them is precisely the presence of godparentsNormally two, although there may be more, two godparents and two godmothers, chosen by the parents, in the case of a baby, or failing that, chosen by the person who decides to receive the sacrament when they are already in adulthood.

The godparents will accompany the person who receives the sacrament of baptism at all times, they will remain by their side for the duration of the ceremony, specially officiated by a priest in a Church or Parish. But in addition to witnessing that crucial moment as the entry into eternal life, the godparents play an important role for their godson, beyond the strictly religious, since in the event of the absence or death of the parents, traditionally, It has been established that they are the ones who ensure the safety of their godson.

To be a sponsor, the following are necessary conditions: be over 16 years of age, be Catholic and have received the sacrament of First Communion.

On the other hand, in common language, the person who is guided in their work and activity is called godson, perhaps by sharing it, or failing that, who was given the opportunity to do a job .

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