
definition of megatrend

In every society there are ideas or trends that become fashionable temporarily and become trends. This happens in all kinds of areas, such as technology, the way of dressing or sports. However, there are some fashions that are not ephemeral but have a singular force and end up consolidating. When this happens, we speak of megatrends.

In this sense, the Greek prefix mega grants a special dimension, since it means that the orientation of something is very significant and that it is accompanied by profound transformations.

The irruption of a megatrend has a great impact on society

When the invention of the wheel occurred in prehistory, this technological advance unleashed other changes: in the means of locomotion, in new, more complex and efficient tools, in work systems, etc. A very similar process occurred with other inventions or advances, such as writing, the printing press or the steam engine. All of them were much more than simple novel advances, since their irruption in society was an authentic revolution.

From an economic point of view, they determine the direction of many business activities and constitute a frame of reference for the creation of new business opportunities.

The Internet and ecological awareness, two realities that have activated profound changes on the planet

The Internet is, without a doubt, one of the technological advances with the greatest impact in the history of mankind. Thanks to this new technology, the forms of communication have multiplied exponentially. This invention has been the main driver of the most relevant megatrends in recent years.

In this sense, some examples would be the following: online commerce, the banking sector, tourism or social relations.

Environmental problems affecting the planet have provoked a positive reaction, as millions of people around the world have assumed an ecological conscience. This new way of thinking has unleashed a series of currents of great social impact. Thus, in most countries there are groups that fight for the preservation of nature, respect for the environment is instilled in the educational system and a large sector of the population tries to make their way of life compatible with the sustainability of the environment. ecosystems.

All kinds of business initiatives have emerged that are considered as megatrends (the "ecological" label is present in nutrition, in the automobile sector, in the textile industry or in relation to housing).

The example of the running phenomenon

Running is a megatrend because, in addition to being practiced all over the world, it has brought new business opportunities (for example, in the sports shoes and clothing sector, in the sale of nutritional supplements or in organizing popular races ).

On the other hand, many fans take trips to participate in the most prestigious marathons. In the world of communication, the runner looks for specialized information through blogs, youtubers or amateur forums. The runner consumes products of the sector, travels to other cities and trains with other people with the same hobby. In short, an activity as simple as going for a run is one of the megatrends of the 21st century.

Photo Fotolia: Kit8

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