
definition of imperative

The word imperative allows us to refer to the one who reigns, commands or dominates in some matter, situation, place, among other alternatives.

In an absolutely imperative tone, he told us that this would be the last chance he would give us to achieve clients. You have to be more imperative with your child, otherwise control will get out of hand and he will take it.”

The one who commands or has authority in something and over others

For example, when we say of someone or something that it is imperative, we will be saying that it imposes its will or authority over the rest.

Applied to an individual, the concept will make it possible to refer to one who is capable or has the ability to command or dominate others.

For example, it is usually used as a synonym for authoritarian.

Close association with authoritarianism

The person who is authoritarian, imperative, normally, does not have empathy in relation to the people he commands, that is, they do not estimate him, do not value him, but rather fear him because they know what he is capable of doing if they do not obey him as it matches,

At this point we must make a clarification, the imperative person cannot be equated with a leader, much less since they follow the leader because they respect him, admire him and because they mainly know that his purpose is to ensure the well-being of all those who are at his disposal. around.

This characteristic is usually appreciated in all areas of life, in the workplace, socially and politically.

It is in this last context in which the imperative profile of a ruler can cause certain complications to the development and growth of the nation he leads.

Because as we know, the person with authoritarian traits does not like to have a different opinion, to be contradicted, he is even capable of not respecting the laws if they affect his initiatives.

And we already know the very serious consequence that ignorance of the laws by those who exercise executive power can have for a nation.

In history we can find countless cases in which authoritarianism unleashed great battles and tragedies for the societies that suffered them, even many of them initially had the legitimation and support of the people.

Of course, any hierarchical relationship implies someone who commands and another who obeys, and this is necessary for an organization to function, however, authority must be exercised reasonably, responsibly and respecting the rights of others.

Inexcusable duty

On the other hand, and at the behest of common language, we also call that imperative inexcusable duty or demandIn other words, it has no excuse, it cannot stop being done or respected and if it is not followed or followed there will be no excuse that excuses the fact of not doing it.

A work imperative prevented me from attending your birthday yesterday, I was really sorry.”

The demand is the request for something with energy or a need that cannot be ignored in a context.

Moral imperative

For his part, the moral imperative , it will be that Obligation imposed on matters relating to ethics.

Philosophy: categorical imperative

For the Kantian ethics, the categorical imperative is a central concept of his philosophy and what he maintains about it is that it is about the autonomous commandment, that is, it does not depend on an ideology or a religion and self-sufficient that will govern the behavior of people in their different manifestations in life. The aforementioned concept was used for the first time by the German philosopher Immanuel Kant in the year 1785 in the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals.

Grammar mode that allows to express commands

And finally, at the urging of the grammar, imperative is a grammatical mode that is used to express orders, mandates, specific requests, among other alternatives.

It is frequent in almost all the languages ​​of the world and in the case of the Spanish language, the imperative is the fourth of the finite grammatical modes together with the indicative, subjunctive and conditional. It is considered as a defective mode, since it does not have a form for all people and numbers ...

Let's get out of here now, get out of here right now, don't talk to me like that anymore”Are some examples of sentences that carry the aforementioned grammatical mode.

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