
definition of preamble

It is called as preamble To that verbal manifestation that is expressed, in chronological order, before the development of the act that would be within the framework of the event, the main event.

Expression preceding a main act

It is a word that originates in the Latin language, more precisely from praeambulus, prae is ahead, and to ambulate to come, referring by case to what precedes something, or is placed in front.

Although it is not a totally obsolete term, it should be noted that the word preamble, in the sense that we just mentioned, has been relegated rather to a formal use if you want it, and also when the events that motivate the expression of a preamble belong to a most serious and solemn orbit.

Dodge a situation

But the word also has another use which is that of evasion and deviation from which an attempt is made to avoid saying something clearly or to make a certain situation absolutely evident, the famous detour in which a person makes when he does not want to say out loud some question that is happening and that he has to communicate to another, but since the reaction can be very negative, go round and round before doing it. “She gave us a two-hour preamble before confirming her pregnancy..”

This sense of the term is the one that is used the most in these times and it would become a synonym of more informal and current expressions such as “turn around a situation, get into detours, as we just pointed out, or not go directly to the point or cuit the issue.”

Many people tend to tell another that they like to go around these things before saying things that are important or not: "go straight to the point, avoid any preamble", that is, do not delay, say what you have to say and that's it.

Declaration of principles that precedes a regulation

For his part, right, consider the preamble as the declarative part that precedes a norm, for example to the national constitution of a nation.

Although according to the perceptions of a good part of the legal men, the preamble lacks validity in the face of the norm that happens to it, on the other hand, it does stand out for exposing among its lines the reasons that motivated the author of the norm in question at the time of the sanction and also the purposes that it has had.

For example, it is that it has a very relevant declarative weight and the words and phrases that make it up are certainly forceful regarding the motivation of the foregoing regulations.

The legal value of the preamble is debated or not because a right cannot be established in it, however, it is a very important text because it always allows knowing the historical juncture in which it was written, the reasons for the norms established in the constitution, which allowed an interpretation in case there were any concerns regarding the scope of any of these provisions.

However, this does not imply that all national constitutions have a preamble at the beginning, before the declaration of articles that contain the norms in said constitution begins.

The Dutch and Austrian constitutions do not have one per case, while there are others that followed the tradition imposed by the United States Constitution, considered by many a reference in this sense, and have incorporated a preamble to their Constitution in which it is expressed briefly the motivation of the constitutional text, that is, the objectives that are proposed with it, among these countries we must mention Argentina, Venezuela, Ecuador. Colombia, Cuba, France.

The longest is the preamble to China's constitution.

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