
department definition

The term Department, on the one hand, refers to the housing unit that can be composed of one or more rooms and that is part of a more global whole known as an apartment building and that it has become the most chosen place to live since we entered modernity, not only because these constructions are usually congregated in large cities or metropolises, allowing many to be close to their jobs and those places of recreation as they can. be a shopping mall, a cinema, a restaurant, avoiding such unpleasant traffic congestion or tedious trips, but also turn out to be a saving alternative because in this case common services such as electricity, cleaning, etc. they are shared with the rest of the units.

The word department is also often used to refer to the most common form of administrative subdivision of the provinces of a countryFor example, Latin American countries are the ones that use it the most. Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Guatemala, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, among others, are subdivided into these.

A company is also usually administratively divided into departments. For this reason, it is very common when we visit or even if we work in a company to see that there are different departments that are in charge of specific situations such as the administration, marketing, human resources, commercial, systems department, among the most traditional.

While, the United States and Switzerland are the only countries that use the concept of department as a synonym for ministries. In this way, they already know that when the US State Department is said they are referring to one of the ministries into which the government of a country is divided.

From this last meaning of the term department, it follows that it is a concept that is usually applied to win when it comes to the organization of a company or country, such the cases we cite.

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