
definition of brightness

The concept of brightness has several references in our language.

Physics: amount of light emanating from a body

At the behest of the Physical, the brightness corresponds to the amount of luminous flux emitted by a body. This luminosity will be related to the number of particles per unit area and also per unit of time in a beam of light.

Astronomy: power emitted by a celestial body

In the field of Astronomy brightness will be the amount of power emitted in all directions by a celestial body. Meanwhile, the brightness will depend on the absolute magnitude that the star has; the value is not constant in really long times, because it is common for the star to change its luminosity according to the state in which it is. Also, within this context, we find the surface gloss, which will be that apparent brightness displayed by large astronomical objects, such as galaxies and universes.

How light interacts with a rock, mineral, or crystal

On the other hand, when talking about brightness, it may be referring to the physical property that describes the way in which light interacts with the surface of a rock, crystal, mineral and therefore is able to reflect on it. This gloss will depend on three factors: the absorption that the mineral has of each color, the perfect polish on the faces and the refractive index of the mineral in question.

Types of gloss

In this sense, there are three types of glitter: metallic luster (produced by those opaque substances), non-metallic shine (produced by transparent substances) and submetallic shine (The one that opaque substances show when they are thick, but that in the case of exfoliating the thin sheets will be transparent).

Light intensity on a screen that can be graduated

On photometry,, the brightness will be the light intensity emitted by a screen. In the case of televisions, one has the possibility, through a menu offered by the devices, to increase or decrease that brightness according to the needs and personal tastes of vision, some people like to see with more brightness and others with little.

Today, all the gadgets and devices that we use, such as cell phones, personal computers, tablets, among others, that have screens, have the option of setting the brightness, more or less intense.

We must also say that in many of these, especially in the case of cell phones and laptops, the intensity of brightness that is assigned is in direct association with battery consumption. The higher the brightness use, the higher the battery consumption.

For example, users usually adjust that variable when they demand the use of these devices through the battery and without the power cable.

Cameras also allow you to adjust this variable of brightness, while professional photographers especially know how much brightness they must use to take the perfect picture.

Graphic designers also know about this topic and apply it in their editions through specialized software such as Photoshop.

Show off someone in an activity

And finally in common language the term brightness is used to account for the shining of someone, an artist, an intellectual, for example, who arouses admiration for his work, his works.

Popularly, when someone in any activity that he or she performs, whether in art, politics, business, teaching, among others, stands out greatly and causes admiration in the rest of his colleagues and the public, it is said that shines.

Likewise, the concept can be applied when you want to show that someone had an excellent performance in public, for example expressing a speech.

Meanwhile, the person who has that brightness in a task or action is usually classified as brilliant.

On the other hand, in the world of fashion design it is very common for women's clothing to be used at parties or at night to be made with fabrics that have glitter.

Sequins are precisely elements that emit shine and that are applied on fabrics to awaken brilliance.

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