
study habits - definition, concept and what it is

Like many other human activities, studying requires certain habits for the learning process to be effective. In educational terminology, the name study habits or study techniques is used interchangeably to refer to the guidelines related to the acquisition of knowledge.

General considerations to achieve a good strategy in study habits

It is necessary to adopt a disciplined attitude, avoiding improvisation or leaving the preparation for the last minute. At the same time, it is very convenient to establish a specific goal or, in other words, be clear about what we are studying for.

When you already have a well-defined goal, it helps to set priorities. For this, it is advisable to carry out a rational planning of our daily life. Obviously, planning our time must include a concrete study plan. In every study plan there should be a general organization and a summary of the content accompanied by an outline.

Time and space are equally determining factors. With regard to the first, it is useful to study at the same time every day and accustom our mind to the fact that this time is dedicated to study. In relation to space, the place for learning has to be comfortable, with adequate light, without noise and without possible distractions.

What not to do

Some study habits are inadvisable. Among them we can highlight the following:

1) start studying after a copious meal,

2) choose the time of day when we are most tired,

3) constantly changing places,

4) study in a place without adequate light or with elements that can distract us,

5) employ an inappropriate learning technique,

6) neglect feeding,

7) sleep few hours or in a disorderly way,

8) abuse energizing substances,

9) make excuses to postpone the study and

10) not solving the doubts that appear at the time of learning.

Study habits and motivation

The different factors that make up a correct study habit are necessary, but not sufficient to achieve the desired objectives. In this sense, personal motivation is the key to obtaining good results.

Learning has a rational component, but motivation is based on our internal emotions. Motivation has sometimes been defined as the inner energy that drives us to action. In short, finding a good stimulation is decisive for the techniques to be executed on the correct path.

Photos: Fotolia - Jacek Chabraszewski / Antonioguillem

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