
definition of review

The word check is used with the mission of expressing the action of carefully and carefully examining some object, document, thing, among others. My lawyer is in charge of reviewing all the contracts that arise. When you leave the building, the security guards ask you to check your bag as a security measure.

And on the other hand, we use this term to account for the Submission of a question, an object to a second analysis with the objectives of: correcting, repairing or verifying the functioning of that subject to review. I'm going to review Marcos's exam again, I can't believe that being such an excellent student I have made so many mistakes.

This sense of the word is generally used in relation to machines or electronic devices that do not work as expected, or directly stop working, and then it is necessary that a suitable professional in the matter, that is, with knowledge regarding their thoroughly examine the mechanism of the appliance to solve its problems or to discover what needs to be done to make it work properly again.

It is essential that whatever revision to be carried out, it is carried out by an expert in the subject to be revised.

Although the term review presents a recurring use in various fields each time it is necessary to submit a situation or object to inspection, it should be noted that in the educational context This is where we can find most with this action since it is a common practice that students, before an exam and once they have answered all the questions and problems involved in it, review each of their answers in order to avoid that something has remained unanswered or to avoid delivering the same with an error that could lower the score in the teacher's evaluation.

There are many synonyms for this word, although without a doubt the one we use the most is that of review. On the other hand, the word neglect, is one that is opposed to the concept that concerns us, because it supposes the abandonment and neglect of something or someone.

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