
definition of reuse

The prefix re indicates the repetition or the resumption of something. Therefore, to reuse means to reuse or use something. In this sense, if an object is reused, it means that after it has been used there is the possibility of using it again.

Refuse or refuse

These two words can come to get confused, since both are pronounced in the same way. However, it is about completely different terms. When it appears without h it indicates that something is used again, while with an interleaved h it is expressed that something is rejected, rejected or evaded. In common language we say that "the manager refused the proposal of his superiors because it seemed insufficient."

The new use of things and planned obsolescence

In our society the objects that are produced are designed to be used and thrown away. This phenomenon obeys an idea: programmed obsolescence. Somehow, everything we use (especially technological gadgets) have been designed to have a limited use in time and, therefore, are obsolescent. However, the negative effects of "throwaway" and obsolescence are obvious:

1) an excessive consumerism that affects the economy of individuals,

2) an increase in disposable materials with a contaminating potential and

3) a false sense that raw materials are unlimited.

For these reasons in recent years some people try to give new uses to discarded objects or make new things made from recycled material.

Most of the things we throw away can be reused for another purpose. For this, two conditions are necessary:

1) become aware of the usefulness of recycling and

2) be creative to reuse apparently useless objects.

The importance of recycling

Recycling is an easy solution to reuse industrially created materials. In this way, the paper, cardboard, plastic or glass that normally ends up in the rubbish bin can have a new use if it is properly transformed in a recycling plant.

Recycling has two main purposes:

1) reducing the consumption of raw materials and energy and

2) decrease in water and air pollution.

It must be remembered, on the other hand, that when talking about reusing materials, reference is made to three ideas, known as the three R's: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Photos: Fotolia - leszekglasner / Andrey Tovstyzhenko

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