
definition of obsession

Obsession is a typically human condition characterized by the fact that the mind focuses on something or someone, who end up dominating it and dominating all the thoughts that pass through it. When there is something or someone that obsesses our mind, we do not think of something else or it is really very difficult to do it since that obsession dominates and controls everything that goes through our head, even if we think of something different, late or early on, the mind will link it to the object of obsession.

Obviously, the obsession is not at all a good or positive thing for anyone's life, because of course, the subject or the person that obsesses us will take all our attention and this will paralyze us in action and in the normal development of our life. An obsession will never bring something good for those who suffer from it, but on the contrary, it will condition, limit, among other negative consequences.

Meanwhile, psychology, being the discipline that deals par excellence with everything that happens to our mind, is the one who has been most concerned and is concerned with it, studying its causes, its treatment and the multiple forms it can take.

Within psychology, then, obsession appears as one of the most typical and common diseases that the individual can suffer, without requiring the presence of the same hospitalization and being much more frequent than other psychological complications.

Obsession could be described as the recurrent presence of negative thoughts that generate different levels of anxiety and anguish in the person. In general, the obsession causes a person to dedicate much of their time to these types of thoughts and end up (in extreme cases) showing behaviors that are socially dangerous for themselves and others.

It should be noted that the obsession has various ways of manifestation and although it usually manifests itself against the individual's conscious thought, it will be very difficult for him to resist it, being the one who ends up triumphing despite the effort made by the person to free himself from it.

The term obsession comes from Latin and means siege. This is precisely the sensation that obsession provokes in people who suffer from it: siege and persecution that are triggered by the unstoppable presence of obsessive thoughts and sensations towards a certain person, situation or element. Obsession as a psychological complication can be present in various ways and while in many cases a large part of the population suffers from some type of momentary or fleeting obsession, which we could qualify as harmless, when it happens to occupy an important segment of time in In the life of that individual we are in the presence of a psychological problem of greater gravity and that can lead to a sad end.

Obsession can become a danger for the person suffering from these thoughts as well as for other people. This becomes clearly visible when a person isolates himself from society and his contacts by different types of obsessions, as well as when he transforms third parties into possible threats and then seeks to eliminate them. Obsessions can have to do with sexual, work, professional, emotional, economic and many other anguishes, being these in reality a screen for the type of obsessive personality that a person can develop.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (also known as OCD) is one that leads the person to feel the need to act in certain ways, believing that in this way they will avoid some kind of danger. In general, OCD evolves into very complex and profound forms of discomfort and distress if it is not treated in time.

As we have already indicated, there are different types of obsessions, for body weight, for cleanliness, for someone, for order, among the most common and common.

Regarding the causes that lead to obsessions, we can also say that there are a variety of factors that affect the development of an obsession, some unsatisfied, unfulfilled desire, some love disappointment, especially when the obsession is directed at a person.

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